Center for problems of ecology and productivity of forests
Russian Academy of Sciences



Center for Problems of Ecology and Poductivity of Forests of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEPF) was established according to the Decree N 309 of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the December, 9, 1991. The purpose of its organization was connected with a "need of Russian scientific research coordination and development of an international scientific and technical cooperation on forest ecology issues, forest ecosystems monitoring, conservation of biological diversity and gene pool of forest vegetation, forest recreation and environmental functions improvement ”.

Alexander Isaev, Academician, is the initiator and the director of the CEPF from 1991 to 2004. Since 2004 Mr.Isaev is scientific adviser of the Center.

Georgiy Korovin, Doctor of agricultural sciences, is the director of CEPF at present.


Among main themes of the CEPF activity:

development and coordination of newest geoinformation technologies use for study of biosphere and resource role of Russian forests under global environmental changes;

solving of some fundamental and applied problems on research of large-scale processes impact on boreal forests of Russia;

development of scientific principles of forest resources management, optimization of forest use and modeling of forest forming process.



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