BOBROVSKY Maxim Viktorovich




Candidate of biological sciences






Institute of physical, chemical and biological problems of soil science, RAS



Tel.: +7 (0967) 73-07-55






E-mail: mbobrovsky(#)



Field of interest: geobotany, forest ecology, forest soil science, history of traditional nature management, modeling of forest ecosystems.



Activity for development of the Project’s directions:

IV. Regional features of forest ecosystem biodiversity


- Description of main nature management types over European Russia territory.

Responsible executor.

- Analysis of regional features of forest ecosystems’ biodiversity in Kostroma oblast


VI. Environmental cover of the program for steady forest management

Theme: Development of forecast methods and accounting algorithms for variants of biodiversity dynamic under different types of nature management  using GIS-technologies







Publications devoted to the Project’s theme:



·         Bobrovsky M.V. Forest soils: biotic and anthropogenic factors of their forming // Eastern European forest: their development in Holocene and at present /Ed. O.V. Smirnova. B.1.M.: Nauka, 2004. P . 381–427.

·         Bobrovsky M.V., Khanina L.G.  Quantitative assessment of forest biodiversity according to forest taxation data // Lesovedenie. 2004. ¹ 3. P. 28–34.

·         Bobrovsky M.V., Khanina L.G. Comparative analysis of vegetation biodiversity in dark coniferous forests of Komi Republic and Karelia // Biology – the science of XXI century. 8th International School-Conference of junior scientists in Puschino (Puschino, May, 17–21, 2004 ). Collected theses. Puschino. 2004. P. 190.

·         Smirnov V.E., Khanina L.G., Bobrovsky M.V. Discriminant analysis of ecological and coenotic groups of plant species within ecological space // Biology – the science of XXI century. 7th Puschino School-Conference of junior scientists (Puschino, April, 14-18, 2003). Collected theses. Puschino, 2003. P. 220.

·         Smirnov V.E., Khanina L.G., Bobrovsky M.V. Statistical analysis of ecological and coenotic groups of plant species in the space of ecological and coenotic factors // 8th International School-Conference of junior scientists in Puschino (Puschino, May, 17–21, 2004 ). Collected theses. Puschino. 2004. P. 226.

·         Smirnov V.E., Khanina L.G., Bobrovsky M.V. Correction of ecological and coenotic groups of plants species of forest zone in European Russia // Principles and ways of biodiversity conservation. Collected materials of All-Russia Scientific Conference. Joshkar-Ola: Mari State University, 2004. P. 26–28.

·         Smirnova O.V., Bobrovsky M.V., Turubanova S.A., Kaljakin V.N. Contemporary zonality of Eastern Europe as a result of natural and anthropogenic transformation of the Late Pleistocene complex of key species // Eastern European forest: their development in Holocene and at present / Ed. O.V. Smirnova. B.1.M.: Nauka, 2004. P. 134-147.

·         Smirnova O.V., Korotkov V.N., Bobrovsky M.V., Khanina L.G. Main variants of late succession stages of boreal forests of different ages // Eastern European forest: their development in Holocene and at present / Ed. O.V. Smirnova. B.2.M.: Nauka, 2004. P. 376–383.

·         Khanina L.G., Smirnov V.E., Bobrovsky M.V., Komarov A.S., Mikhailov A.V. Forecasting dynamic of forest soil cover diversity using EFIMOD - PRO  model // Principles and ways of biodiversity conservation. Collected materials of All-Russia Scientific Conference. Joshkar-Ola: Mari State University, 2004. P. 133–134.

·         Bobrovsky M.V. Natural and anthropogenic disturbations as key factors affecting soil diversity in spruce forests // Disturbance dynamics in boreal forests. Abstracts of the V International conference, Dubna, Russia, August 1-5, 2004. Moscow, 2004. P. 45.

·         Khanina L.G., Bobrovsky M.V. A forest type system using for biodiversity estimation at the forestry unit level in the Central European Russia // International IUFRO conference ‘Monitoring and Indicators of Forest Biodiversity in Europe – From Ideas to Operationality’. Florence , Italy , November 2003. Florence , 2003. P . 42.

·         Khanina L.G., Bobrovsky M.V., Mikhailov A., Smirnov V.E., Komarov A.S., Chertov O.G. Quantitative assesment of forest biodiversity and dynamic ecosystem modeling // Decision support for multiple purpose forestry. A transdisciplinary conference on the development and application of decision support tools for forest management. Vienna, April 23-35 2003. Vienna, 2003. P. 56.

  • Khanina L.G., Bobrovsky M.V., Smirnova O.V. Old-growth spruce and spruce-fir forests in middle and north taiga of European Russia // Disturbance dynamics in boreal forests. Abstracts of the V International conference, Dubna, Russia, August 1-5, 2004. Moscow, 2004. P. 24.




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