BOCHARNIKOV Vladimir Nikolaevich |
Doctor of biological sciences |
Assistant professor, senior researcher |
Pacific Institute of Geography, RAS Far-Eastern Department |
Tel.: +7 (4232) 312-857 |
E-mail: vbocharnikov(#)mail.ru |
http://granter.primorye.ru/EiZ |
Field of interest: forestry,
GIS, biological information science, population ecology, hunt management,
traditional forest knowledge. |
Activity in
development of the Project’s branches: IV. Regional features of forest ecosystem
V. Environmental information base for assessment and
monitoring of biodiversity of Russian forests Theme: GIS for assessment and monitoring of
biodiversity in Russian forests. Responsible executor VI. Environmental cover of the program for steady
forest management Theme: Analytical review of international and
national experience of study, conservation, and unexausted forest management. |
devoted to the Project’s theme: |
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Центр по проблемам экологии и продуктивности лесов РАН, 2005.