CHERNENKOVA Tatiana Vladimirovna



Doctor of biological sciences



Leading researcher, head of the sector



Center for problems of forest ecology and productivity, RAS



Tel.: +7 (095) 332-62-22



Fax: +7 (095) 332-26-17



E-mail: chern(#)



Field of interest: biodiversity monitoring, biological indication, industrial ecology, steady forest management.



Activity in development of the Project’s branches:

IV. Regional features of the biodiversity in forest ecosystems

: Analysis of the regional features of forest biodiversity  in Murmansk and Kostroma oblasts.


V. Environmental information base for assessment and monitoring of biodiversity in Russian forests

- GIS for biodiversity assessment and monitoring in Russian forests


- Forming cartographic and semantic Databases of corresponding territory levels

Responsible executor

VI. Environmental cover for the program of steady forest management

Theme: Regional cadastre of forest biodiversity

Responsible executor






Publications devoted to the Project’s theme:



  • Chernen’kova T.V., Stepanov A.M., Gordeeva M.M. Changing forest phytocoenoses organization under technogenic condition. JOB, 1989, V.1, N 3, P.388-395.
  • Chernen’kova T.V., Vilensky E.R., Kabirov R.R. Meadow vegetation under gamma-emission// JOB,1991, V. 52, N 2. P.249-255.
  • Stepanov A.M., Chernen’kova T.V., Vereschagina T.N., Bezukladova J.O. Assessment of technogenic emission impact on soil invertebrates and vegetation cover. // JOB, 1991,V.52, N 2, P.699-707.
  • Kabirov R.R., Stepanov A.M., Chernen’kova T.V. Steadiness of soil algae populations to radioactive contamination. Al’gologia, 1991, V.1, N 4, P.51-57.
  • Chernen’kova T.V. Phytocoenotic study of spruce green-mosses forest in vicinity of Monchegorsk metallurgical plant // Lesovedenie, 1, 1995. P.57-65.
  • Chernen’kova T.V. , Makarov A.V. Growth of Pinus  sylvestris in the vicinity of “Severonikel” metallurgical plant. // Lesovedenie. 1996, 5. P.72-76.
  • Chernen’kova T.V. , Mekhanikova E.V., Gusarova A.Y. Restoration of forest phytocoenoses due to ceasing of metallurgical plant emissions. // Lesovedenie. 1999. 2. P.28-34.
  • ChernenkovaT.V., Kuperman R.G. Changes in the spruce forest communities along a heavy metal deposition gradient on Kola peninsula. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 111. 1999 Ð. 187-200.
  • Chernen’kova T.V., , Kabirov R.R., Mekhanikova E.V., Stepanov A.M., Gusarova A.Y.  Demutation succession of vegetation cover after stopping of copper-smelting plant. // Lesovedenie. ¹ 6, 2001. P. 31-37.
  • Chernen’kova T.V. Features of metal accumulation by Pinus sylvestris in natural and anthropogenic habitats.// Lesovedenie. ¹2, 2004. P.1-11.
  • Chernen’kova T.V.. Approaches to the quantitative assessment of biological injury of forest communities under technogenic impact. Ecologia, ¹3, 2003.P.163-169.
  • Chernen’kova T.V., Bocharnikov V.N. Integrated assessment and data arrangement within the framework of biomonitoring of forest areas. Lesovedenie. ¹ 1. 2003. P.37-47.
  • Chernenkova T.V. Boreal forest and industrial pollution. Disturbance dynamics in boreal forests. Moscow. Dubna. 2004. p.7.
  • Isaev A.S., Chernen’kova T.V.  Biodiversity monitoring in forests: results and perspectives / Anthropogenic transformation of boreal ecosystems of Europe: environment, resources and economy aspects. Petrozavodsk. 2004. P. 78-82.
  • Chernen’kova T.V. Principles of forming regional forest cadastre/ Anthropogenic transformation of boreal ecosystems of Europe: environment, resources and economy aspects. Petrozavodsk. 2004. P.152-156.




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