SMIRNOVA Olga Vsevolodovna



Doctor of biological sciences, professor



Head of the laboratory



Center for problems of ecology and productivity of forests, RAS



Tel.: +7 (095) 331-60-72



Fax: +7 (095) 332-26-17



E-mail: ovs(#)



Field of interest: population biology, phytocoenology, biogeocoenology, historical biogeography, archeology, history of nature management.



Activity in development of the Project’s branches:

II. Natural processes of dynamic forest biodiversity


- Development of conceptions on potential and real vegetation of forest zone of Russia and their spatial implementation on the example of European Russia

- Detection of main succession types determining dynamics of forest biodiversity in boreal zone

Responsible executor

IV. Regional features of forest biodiversity

Theme: Characteristic of main types of nature management in Kostroma oblast

Responsible executor






Publications devoted to the Project’s theme:



·         Smirnova O.V., Shaposhnikov E.S. (Ed.) Succession in the Reserves of Russia and problems of conservation of biological diversity. CLGBZ. Ab. 800 pp. (In press. In Russian with English resume, pictures and tables)

·         Smirnova O.V., Chistyakova A.A., Zaugol’nova L.B., Evstigneev O.I., Popadiouk R.V. Ontogenetic conception of woody plant populations. In: Proc of International symposium TREE. Montpellier. France. 1996. 25 pp. (In press)

·         Smirnova O.V. 1998. Population organization of biocenosis design of forest landscapes. Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. V. 118. No. 2. P. 148-165. (In Russian with English resume)

  • Smirnova O.V. 1998. The role of key species in preserving forest biodiversity. Russian Conservation News. No. 15. P. 17-18.
  • Zaugol’nova L.B., Smirnova O.V., Istomina I., Khanina L.G. 1998. Population mosaic cycles in forest ecosystems. Studies in Plant Ecology. V. 20. P. 31.
  • Smirnova O.V., Popadyuk R.V., Zaugol’nova L.B., Khanina L.G. 1997. Assessment of losses in forest plant species biodiversity on the example of the Reserve “Kaluzskie zaseki”. Lesovedenie. No. 1. P. 27-42. (In Russian with English resume)
  • Popadiouk R.V., Smirnova O.V., Evstigneev O.I., Yanitskaya T.O., Chumatchenko S.I., Zaugol’nova L.B., Korotkov V.N., Chistyakova A.A., Khanina L.G., Komarov A.S. 1995. Current state of broad-leaved forests in Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine: historical development, biodiversity, structure and dynamic. Pushchino Res. Center of Russian Acad. Sci., Pushchino. 74 pp.
  • Smirnova O.V, Popadiouk R.V., Evstigneev O.I., Minaeva T.Yu., Shaposhnikov, Morosov A.S., Yanitskaja T.O., Kuznetsova T.V., Ripa S.V., Samokhina T. Yu, Romanovskii A.M., Komarov A.S. 1995. Current state of coniferous-broad-leaved forests in Russia and Ukraine: historical development, biodeversity, dynamic. Pushchino Res. Center of Russian Acad. Sci., Pushchino. 77 pp.
  • Zaugol’nova L.B., Khanina L.G., Komarov A.S., Smirnova O.V., Popadiouk R.V., Ostrovsky M.A., Zubkova E.V., Glukhova E.M., Palenova M.M., Gubanov V.S., Grabarnik P.Ya. 1995. Information-analytical system for estimation of forest community succession state. Pushchino Res. Center of Russian Acad. Sci., Pushchino. 1995. 51 pp. (In Russian with English resume)
  • Smirnova O.V. (Ed.) 1994. East-European broad-leaved forests. Nauka, Moscow. 364 pp. (in Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Zaugol’nova L.B., Popadiouk R.V. 1993. Population concept in biocoenology. Zhurnal Obschey Biologii. V. 54. No. 3. P. 438-448. (In Russian with English resume)
  • Zaugol'nova L.B., Smirnova O.V., Komarov A.S., Khanina L.G. 1993. Monitoring of phytopopulations. Uspehi sovremennoi biologii. V.. 113. No. 4. P. 402-414. (In Russian with English resume)
  • Zaugol’nova L.B., Zhukova L.A., Popadiouk R.V., Smirnova O.V. Critical state of plant coenopopulations. In: Problems of sustainability of biological systems. Nauka, Moscow. 1992. P. 51-59. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Voznyak R.V., Evstigneev O.I. et al. 1991. Population analysis and prognosis of development of forest reserves (on example of Kanevsky Reserve). Botanicheskii zhurnal. V. 76. No. 6. P. 68-79. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Chistyakova A.A., Popadiouk R.V., Evstigneev O.I., Korotkov V.N., Mitrofanova M.V., Ponomarenko E.V. 1990. Population organization of vegetation cover of woodlands (on example of hardwood forests of the European part of USSR). Pushchino Res. Center of Russian Acad. Sci., Pushchino. 92 pp. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V. (Ed.) 1989. Diagnosis and keys of age stages of forest plants. Trees and shrubs. MGPI, Moscow. 102 pp. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Chistyakova A.A., Popadiouk R.V. 1989. Population structure of dynamic organization of forest communities. Biologicheskie nauki. No. 11. P. 48-58. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Chistyakova A.A., Ripa S.I., Lysykh N.I. 1989. Population organization of beech mountain forests of the Carpathian Mts. Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. V. 94. No. 5. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Chistyakova A.A., Popadiouk R.V., Novosel’tzev V.N., Parpan V.I. 1989. Recommendations for reproduction of uneven-aged broad-leaved forests at the European part of the USSR. All-Union Agricultural Academy (VASHNIL). 27 pp. (In Russian)
  • Zaugol'nova L.B., Zhukova L.A., Komarov A.S., Smirnova O.V. 1988. The coenopopulations of plants (essays of plant population biology). Nauka, Moscow. 182 pp. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Popadiouk R.V., Chistyakova A.A. 1988. Population methods for definition of minimal area of forest community. Botanicheskii zhurnal. V. 73. No. 10. P. 1423-1434. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V. 1987. The structure of herbaceous layer in hardwood forests. Nauka, Moscow. 207 pp. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Chistyakova A.A., Drobysheva T.I. 1987. Coenopopulation analysis and prognosys of development of oak-hornbeam forests of the Ukraine. Zhurnal obschej biologii. No. 2. (In Russian)
  • Starostenkova M.M., Cheremushkina V.A., Smirnova O.V. et al. 1987. Dyagnosys and keys of age stages of forest plants. Ephemeroids. MGPI, Moscow. 80 pp. (In Russian)
  • Shorina N.I., Smirnova O.V. 1985. The population biology of ephemeroids. In: Handbook of vegetation science. Part III. The population structure of vegetation Ed. by J.White. Dr. W. Junk Publ., Dordrecht. P. 225-240.
  • Smirnova O.V. 1985. Dynamics of coenopopulations of herbs in hardwood forests of the European part of the USSR. In: Dynamics of plant coenopopulations. Ed. by T.I.Serebryakova. Nauka, Moscow. P. 23-36. (In Russian)
  • Gatsuk L.E., Smirnova O.V., Vorontsova L.I., Zaugol’nova L.B., Zhukova L.A. 1980. Age stages of plants of various growth forms: a review. Journal of Ecology. V. 68. P. 675-696.
  • Smirnova O.V., Chistyakova A.A. 1980. Analysis of phytocoenotic potencies of some woody plants of hardwood forests of the European part of Russia. Zhurnal obschej biologii. V. 41. No. 3. P. 350-362. (In Russian)
  • Descriptions of some herbaceous plant species as chapters in serial issue “Biological Flora of Moscow region”. Ed. by T.A.Rabotnov. Moscow State University, Moscow. V. 6, 1980. V. 4, 1978. V. 2, 1975. V. 1, 1974.
  • Smirnova O.V. (Ed.) 1977. The coenopopulations of plants. Development and relationships. Nauka, Moscow. 134 pp. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Zaugol’nova L.B., Ermakova I.M. et al. 1976. The coenopopulations of plants (basic notions and structure). Nauka, Moscow. 217 pp. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V. 1974. Peculiarity of vegetative reproduction of herbaceous plants of oak forests in connection with maintenance of populations. In: Age structure of populations of flowering plants in connection with ontogeny. Ed. by A.A. Uranov. MGPI, Moscow. P. 168-195. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V., Toropova N.A. 1974. About similarity of life cycles and age structure of populations of some long-rhizome plants. In: Age structure of populations of flowering plants in connection with ontogeny. Ed. by A.A. Uranov. MGPI, Moscow. P. 56-69. (In Russian)
  • Smirnova O.V. Ontogeny and age groups of Carex pilosa Scop. and Aegopodium podagraria L. 1967. In: Ontogeny and age structure of populations of flowering plants. Ed. by A.A.Uranov. Nauka, Moscow. P. 100-113. (In Russian)




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