ZUKERT Natalie Viktorovna



Candidate of geographical sciences



Senior researcher



Center for problems of ecology and productivity of forests RAS



Tel.: +7 (095) 332-69-90



Fax: +7 (095) 332-26-17



E-mail: nvz(#)cepl.rssi.ru



Field of interest: meteorology, climatology, climate change, interaction between climate and vegetation.



Activity in development of the Project’s branches:

III. Spatial structure of forest biodiversity and principles of division into regions

Theme:  Division into regions of RF at the base of complex meteorological index

Responsible executor






Publications on the Project’s theme:



·         Zukert N.V., Rozhkova S.V., Sokolikhina N.N. Significance of hydrothermal regime for distribution of vegetation in Yakutia.

·         Rozhkova S.V., Zukert N.V. Information system: Vegetation and climatic factors. Vestnik MGU, ser. 5, 1996, N1, p.18-24.

·         Zukert N.V. Potential changes of vegetation zones’ boundaries in Yakutia under climate change // Problemy of regional’noy ecologii, 2000, ¹ 4, p.74-81.

·         Nosova L.M., Zimin M.V., Kleopova N.Y., Zukert N.V., Tikhonova E.V. Geography and ecology of forest types of Oxalis acetosella.// Lesovedenie, 2003,¹1. P. 21-28.


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