Chumachenko S.I., Smirnova O.V. Modeling of Succession Dynamics of Forest Stands
// Forest Science (Lesovedenie). 2009. No 6. P. 3-17 (in Russian).
The results of modeling the succession dynamics of forest stands using
the FORRUS-S model are presented. An algorithm for the calculation of the
succession stand status was elaborated. This algorithm is based on the
determination of the age and ontogenetic status, tree species strategy types,
the age structure of stands, and the presence or absence of dead wood at
different stages of decomposition. A scheme of succession development of stands
from different initial stations (after fire, tillage, and cuttings) was
elaborated. The results on modeling of spontaneous (natural, undisturbed)
development of stands after clear cutting are presented. Simulation of
succession dynamics was carried out for southern taiga forest stands at the
Chukhlomskii leskhoz (Kostroma region). The model experiment showed that the
restoration of the natural composition and structure of mixed
coniferous-broad-leaved forests appeared to occur for the life time of
three-four generations of late succession species. The algorithm proposed can be
used for assessing the succession status of forest stands from different natural
zones in the availability of required specific biological and ecological
Modeling, succession, ontogenesis stages, types of population strategies |