Knyazeva S. G. Intraspecific Variability оf Соmmоn Juniper in Siberia
and in the Far East // Forest Science (Lesovedenie). 2010. No. 5. P.
36-44 (in Russian).
The intraspecific variability and correlation structure of 25 natural
populations of common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) growing in
Siberia and in the Far East were studied. With deterioration of environmental
conditions, the correlation between characteristics of the plant organs,
especially between those of generative organs, becomes stronger. At the same
time, in northern and high-mountain populations, the level of endogenous
variability decreases to some extent and the level of individual variability of
many parameters increases as compared to characteristics of the plants from less
severe plain habitats. Some regularities of ecological and geographic variation
of characteristics of juniper's vegetative and generative organs in the study
territories were revealed.
Intraspecific variability, common juniper, vegetative and generative organs,
morphological attributes, correlation.