Kuznetsov М. А. Effect of Decomposition Conditions and Falloff
Composition оn Litter Reserves and Characteristics in а Bilberry-Sphagnum Spruce
Forest of Middle Taiga // Forest Science (Lesovedenie). 2010. No. 6. P.
54-60 (in Russian).
In аn old bilberry-sphagnum spruce forest оn the gleyic peaty-podzolic soil
(62°17' N, 50°00' E, middle taiga), the mеаn input of falloff is 405.57 g m-2
уr-1 or 200.5 g С m-2yr-1. The rate of decomposition of
plant residues varies greatly (2.6-60.0%). The litter stock is 73.6 t ha-1.
The litter is decomposed slowly; the C: N ratio is 29.9 because of unfavorable
hydrothermal conditions.
Spruce stand, forest floor, forest litter, decomposition of plant remnants,
middle taiga.