Pristova Т. А. Carbon Cycle Components in а Deciduous-Coniferous Forest
Stand of the Middle Taiga // Forest Science (Lesovedenie). 2010. No. 6.
P. 12-19 (in Russian).
The carbon cycle is considered in а secondary deciduous-coniferous stand of the
middle taiga. The carbon concentration was determined in different plant
species. The carbon pool in the stand studied was found to bе 76.7 t С ha-1
per year, its net production (NPP) is 2.9 С ha-1 per year. The carbon
flows within the ecosystem were assessed. The falloff decomposition and the
carbon emission were investigated. The carbon reserves in the upper l-m layer of
the soil under the forest studied amounted to 84.85 ± 4.30 t С ha-1.
The role of water-soluble organic and inorganic carbon is shown. The carbon
contents entering the soil surface with water penetrating through crowns and
litters were 42.4 and 97 kg С ha-1 per year, respectively. The forest
stand investigated was revealed to bе carbon stock.
Middle taiga, carbon cycle, deciduous-coniferous stand, water migration. |