Tatarnikov D. V. Тhе Influence of Аnnuallу Applied Fertilizers оn the
Dynamics of the Grass-Dwarf Shrub Layer in а Southern Taiga Birch Forest
// Forest Science (Lesovedenie). 2010. No. 6. P. 20-27 (in Russian).
The dynamics of 11 species of herbs and dwarf shrubs (Oxalis acetosella,
Majanthemum bifolium, Trientalis europaea, Dryopteris spinulosa, Gymnocarpus
dryopteris, Vaccinium myrtillus, Luzula pilosa, Rubus saxatilis, Calamagrostis
epigeios, Мillium effusum, and Stellaria holostea) are described.
The dynamics of each species in the variants with the application of different
fertilizers (N, Р, and Mg) were compared with those in the control variant. The
fertilizers little changes the dynamics of the species studied. The direction of
changes in the quantitative participation of these species in the plant
community remained invariable. Only the number or size of shoots increased or
decreased under the influence of the fertilizers as compared to these parameters
in the control variant. The positive response to N fertilizers was
characteristic of Stellaria holostea, Мillium effusum, and Oxalis
acetosella; Vaccinium myrtillus and Luzula pilosa positively
responded to phosphorus and magnesium, respectively.
Limiting resource, fertilizers, herb-shrub layer.