"Forest Science" Journal
Founded in January, 1967
Issues 6 times per a year
ISSN: 0024-1148
Founder: the Russian Academy of Sciences
Publishing House «Science»
A magazine is published under the direction of Separation of biological sciences
of RAS
Content of numbers of the Journal
Editor-in-chief of academician A.S. Ysayev
Deputies of editor-in-chief
D.G. Zamolodchikov, Ph.D.
T.V. Chernen’kova, Ph.D.
Responsible secretary
I.A. Utkina Ph.D
Head of the release
M.V. Radzinskaya
Tel. +7 499 7430021
Address: 117997,
GSP-7, Moscow B-485,
Profsoyuznaya street, home 90
«Science», Editorial Staff of Forest Science
Regulations for authors
Editorial Board :
I.A. Utkina Ph.D, A.A. Onuchina, V.M. Zhirin, A.A. Maslov, K.S. Bobkova, E.A. Vaganov, S.E. Voperkskyy, L.O. Karpachevskyy, G.N. Korovyn, V.I. Krutov, G.V. Lyndeman, N.V. Lukyna, N.I. Lyamtsev, Y.I. Man'ko, M.D. Merzlenko, G.N. Ogureeva, M.G. Romanovskyy, V.V. Rubtsov, M.V. Rubtsov, V.I. Soukhikh, A.P. Travleev